Confidentiality management

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We ask you for your name for registration, to register your name on your page. This also helps visitors of this website to have trust in you while they contact you.

We ask you for your email to contact you for any thing in future if need arises. This also helps to identify genuine people on this website and helps to filter fraudulent people.

We ask your phone number to identify genuine people and identify fraudulent people. This also helps us to contact you in case of any need in future.

We ask you for your location to help in website visitors of your location to find you easily through location based search results. This also helps to place your page on your location pages.

All the above information is not shared with anyone except legal authorities to help them in maintenance of law and order. This also helps legal authorities to track people doing illegal behavior on this website.

Social sharing websites may save your information available on that particular social sharing website.